Thursday, February 16, 2012


Tattoos and scars are our souvenirs from living, they give some of our secrets away to strangers that happen to glance at the "wrong" place or whisper our stories to those we decide to let in. They say that once you get your first tattoo there is no stopping, it's an unbeatable addiction like many others. They are right. I got my first one over 6 years ago, a shy first step, a tiny little "jail style" tattoo of a  star on the inside of my ankle. It took me 5 years to get the second one, but once I did 2 more followed within a few months. You eventually come to love and even look forward to the sweet pain of the whole process.

I got my second tattoo in New York with my bestest friend. The girl working there had the exact same tattoo Wanderlust (one should never lose the desire to wander both physically and mentally) and a massive compass just above so she never loses her way. I took it as a sign to go ahead and get a 3rd tattoo, an anchor, so I can remember to find a home, (you see I am a bit of gypsy soul, having lived in 4 different countries and having changed several houses so far). I got my anchor in my lovely neighbourhood in Brussels, in the Marolles (HOME)  at La Boucherie Moderne by Jeff who also happened to have a Wanderlust tattoo! (surprising given how unusual and rarely used this word is). I love these little coincidences and winks from fate.

 what tattoo pain really looks like

And  the perfect soundtrack to all this, Bully Joe, fell in love with this totally rocking one man band show last night, too bad the police had to cut it short....enjoy!

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