Thursday, February 2, 2012

Under the sea

Yet again sorry about the radio silence but I have been working like a madwoman and I seem to be going through a second puberty at the moment. There seems to be a bottomless supply of friends, laughter, drinks and dancing recently and it is hard to keep up with everything! I also had 2 lovely friends come visit me from Greeceland and I thought it was my personal duty to show them what Brussels is all about (so as you can imagine 4 days of fun and frolic were in order). This is a little post to share what I spend most hours of my day working on, that is trying to save earth and our oceans in particular. So next time you look into the deep blue sea or order that delicious sushi think of the following:

-40% of the global marine fish catch is bycatch, much of which is simply discarded overboard

-100 million tonnes of floating rubbish is believed to be trapped in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

-18000 pieces of plastic trash in every square kilometer of ocean

-1.3 million tonnes: the amount of oil discharged into the sea, worldwide, each year

-40% of the oceans are severely effected by human activities, but less than 1% of the oceans are classified as protected areas

-405: the number of dead zones reported in the world's oceans in 2008. These areas are so depleted of oxygen that they can no longer support life

-1-2% of the ocean floor is biologically dead or close to dying

-75% of EU fish stocks are overfished and if we don't stop this trend only 8 fish stocks out of 136 will be sustainable by 2022

A link with guidelines on how to go about buying your fish

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